About Us

Who we are

The Academy for Health Development (AHEAD) is a not-for-profit research, knowledge management, and health development organization incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria in 2007. In its early years, the organization focused on voluntary activities dedicated to strengthening structures and providing support for adolescent development. The technical operations of the organization include training, research, and policy engagements.

The leadership of the organization, along with its lead team members, has played leading roles in national and sub-national research and policy development activities in Nigeria for over a decade. Internationally, AHEAD’s team has also taken significant leadership and catalytic roles in several research collaborations and health-related agenda-setting policy dialogues.

In recent times, AHEAD has become increasingly known at both national and international levels and has successfully delivered on several projects in its core areas of competence. These areas include training and capacity development; research (epidemiologic, operational, translational, and implementation); health program management (both community-based and clinical preventive interventions); and evidence-based policy development and advocacy.

President's profile

Prof. Adesegun O. Fatusi

president, ahead

Prof. Adesegun is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, and a Professor of Community Medicine and Public health at the Obafemi Awolowo University, as well as Honorary Consultant Physician at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Within the university, he has been appointed at various times as Head of Department, Director of Population and Reproductive Health Program, Director of the Institute of Public Health, and Provost of the College of Health Sciences. He has served and continue to serve the country in various roles in the discipline of public health, particularly in leading the development of national policy documents in the areas of adolescent health and youth development, HIV and AIDS, and sexual, reproductive health and maternal health. He has also led several national research, policy, and program initiatives in Nigeria and beyond. Among others, he was a Member Ministerial Committee that developed Nigeria's Health Sector Reform Programme in 2004, and the Technical Working Group for the new National Health Policy developed in 2016.

Fatusi is the President of the Society for Adolescent and Young People's Health in Nigeria and currently chairs Nigeria's National Technical Working Group on Adolescent Health and Development, who also serves as a member of the Lancet (global) Commission on Adolescent Health and well-being. He is the founder of Campus Health and Rights Initiative and the Chief Executive Officer of Paaneah Foundation – a young adolescent-focused and youth development organisation based in Ota – and currently holds the position of Vice President (sub-Saharan Africa) for the International Association for Adolescent Health.


Our mission

We seek to improve health systems and health development through generating new knowledge, building capacity for research and action, and translating knowledge into effective policies and programmes.

Our core competencies

Training & Capacity-building

Research Design, Implementation & Dissemination

Management of Community & Clinical Preventive Programmes (Planning, Implementation & Evaluation)

Strengthening of the Systems for Health (Community & Health systems)

Policy Sciences (Policy Analysis, Development, Advocacy, Implementation, and Evaluation).