Who we are
The Academy for Health Development (AHEAD) is a not-for-profit research, knowledge management, and health development organization incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria in 2007. In its early years, the organization focused on voluntary activities dedicated to strengthening structures and providing support for adolescent development. The technical operations of the organization include training, research, and policy engagements.
The leadership of the organization, along with its lead team members, has played leading roles in national and sub-national research and policy development activities in Nigeria for over a decade. Internationally, AHEAD’s team has also taken significant leadership and catalytic roles in several research collaborations and health-related agenda-setting policy dialogues.
In recent times, AHEAD has become increasingly known at both national and international levels and has successfully delivered on several projects in its core areas of competence. These areas include training and capacity development; research (epidemiologic, operational, translational, and implementation); health program management (both community-based and clinical preventive interventions); and evidence-based policy development and advocacy.